This page is dedicated to the art before the art, it all starts with a pencil and paper. Mock ups are very important, they allow the customer to see my ideas, so any changes can be made before any real work goes into the mugg itself. I generally try to make this my first step to customizing a mugg because it allows me to try out several different variations and layout the character design. Plus drawing always has been a passion of mine and it gives me a good excuse to play with markers, haha.
Black Lantern Aqua man.
Spawn #1
The Lorax
The Maxx #1
G.I.JOES: Road Block
X-Men: Long-Shot
Wonder Woman #1
Black Widow
Rouge #1
X-Men: Psylocke
Avatar: Neytiri
Zombie Spiderman
Zombie Magneto
Zombie Moon Knight
Sin City: Marv
Zombie Doc Ock
Spawn: Angela
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Evil Super Woman
Spawn & Head Variants
Power Puff Girls & Mojo jo jo
Dr.Doom: Project Mayhem contest Winner!
Cookie Monster
Boba Fett ESB
Yoda Personal Likeness
Mara Jade
Slave Leia
Green Goblin
Punisher Noir
Transformers: Arcee
Full Metal Alchemist
Metroid: Samus
Star Craft: Zealot
LOTR: Uruk-Hai
So when I go through the process of creating a mock up, I start with a pencil, This allows me to rough sketch, erase and make changes. Next I line or ink the drawing itself, erase the pencil marks, now I have a clean surface to color in. Inking the picture allows me to go over with (Prisma-Color) markers without it bleeding. I hope you enjoyed looking through these mock ups and remember to check back for new ones!
Sid the Kid