This will be the first post where I can actually show you a more step by step progress for Colossus. When I am customizing I tend to start with blank mugs, but those aren't always the easiest or cheapest to find! So in the case I'll get my hands on some clearance muggs and just paint right over them! If your working with a blank mugg it is best to prime them, or at least that is what I do, I usually use grey, or a neutral color! I usually start with the face when focusing on the painting. The face is most important other then any additional custom pieces you add to the mugg itself. I like to work in layers and build up from a base. Which you can tell if you pay attention the way the body is handled. I usually do anywhere from three - five coats on each given area. I mix a lot of colors it increases the dry time. I work quickly, creature of habit I guess, use to the whole deadline thing. So anyway Im rambling, on to some pictures of the finished Colossus!

This Guy is now in the Collection of Laz69frog.
My next post will be My Tag Team Entry. Gambit!